In Quebec, all women, trans and non-binary people have the right to decide when and if they want children.

Services to terminate pregnancies are free if you have a valid RAMQ card or if you have private insurance that covers these costs.

Terminating a pregnancy is not a criminal act, it is a medical procedure overseen by medical professionals.

Legally, you can choose to have an abortion at any stage of a pregnancy and for any reason.

You are the only one who can decide, your partner(s) and your parents cannot make the decision for you. From the age of 14 you do not need any permission.

You have questions, we have answers
There are a lot of myths and misinformation circulating about abortion. Now is the time to set the record straight

Abortion is free and accessible everywhere in Quebec
In Quebec, it is possible to obtain an abortion in certain hospitals and CLSCs, women's healthcare centers and private clinics throughout the province. Here is a directory
Abortion services are free. All you need is a health insurance card from the Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ). For people who do not have a RAMQ card, contact us to check if you have other medical coverage and to obtain support for your procedure.
Services are also free for a person covered by the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP), coming from another Canadian province or territory and for most foreign university students.

Women do not use abortion as a method of contraception
Choosing to terminate a pregnancy is a difficult decision for many women, it is a misconception to claim that women use this procedure as contraception.
Half of women who terminate their pregnancy use contraception. Remember that no form of contraception is 100% effective.

Abortion does not make you infertile and or give you cancer
Abortion does not make you infertile or jeopardize future pregnancies. There is also no increased risk of breast, cervical or endometrial cancer in women who have had an abortion.
These risks do not increase, regardless of the number of abortions someone might have.

Abortion is safe
In Canada, terminating a pregnancy is a safe medical procedure and the complications are very rare if the person follows the medical recommendations. In fact, the complication rate for an abortion is less than 1%.

A surgical abortion is performed under local anesthetic and lasts 15 minutes
Surgical abortions are performed under local anesthestic of the cervix. The anesthesia is administered by injection, it takes effect instantly and often you will only feel a slight pinch.

Abortion does not cause depression
No such link has been scientifically or medically identified. Since 1989, the communities of physicians and psychologists have not observed postabortion syndrome. The existence of this syndrome is an myth put forward by the anti-choice movement. However, it is possible to experience different emotions.